Quick and easy homemade Low Histamine Vegetable Stock
- 1–2 white onions
- 4–8 cloves of garlic
- 2–3 carrots
- 3–4 celery stalks
- 1–2 leeks
- 1 parsnip
- 4–5 sprigs of fresh thyme
- a small bunch of parsley
- a small bunch of celery leaves
- 2 bay leaves
- 2–3 sprigs rosemary
- 5–8 garden nasturtium*
- 1 ½ –2 L water (6–8 cups)
- 1 tsp salt (or salt to taste)
- 1 tbsp (extra virgin) olive oil
- Start out with cleaning and prepping the vegetables (white onion, leeks, carrots, celery, and parsnip).
- Heat up some (extra virgin) olive oil in a big soup pot and cook the vegetables for about 5 minutes, before you add water, salt and the herbs (I usually tie the herbs together). Note the more water you add the less concentrated your stock will be.
- Once you have added the water and herbs, bring it to the boil and let it simmer for 30 minutes (or a bit longer if you like). Strain the stock through a fine sieve, or a cheese cloth.
- Use the vegetable stock immediately, or let it cool down and freeze it down for when you are ready to use it.
- The garden nasturtium adds a little pepper flavor, if you don’t have them growing in your garden or can’t get your hands on them, you can leave them out.