Last year on New Years day I put together a post with the 9 most popular Low Histamine recipes from 2017 for you guys. Which funny enough actually turned out to be the most visited blog post of 2018. This year I want to do the same, and celebrate the most popular Low Histamine Recipes from 2018.

I’m very pleased to see how varied the top 9 recipes are this year, including a couple of my all time favorite recipes as well. And it is a lot of fun to see how different the collage of the top 9 from this year looks compared to the collage from last year.
The 9 Most Popular Low Histamine Recipes from 2018
So here comes the nine most popular Low Histamine Recipes from 2018 – which one is your favorite? Let me know in the comments 🙂
4 Low Histamine Salad Dressings
One of the questions I see flying by in various social media groups about histamine intolerance, is what on earth to do in terms of salad dressings??? So in March I posted this collection of 4 Low Histamine Salad Dressings. This collection of low histamine salad dressings, truly hit home run with you guys and is to date the second most visited blog post here at the Histamine Friendly Kitchen.

Fluffy Vegan Green Monster Kale Pancakes
I made these super Fluffy Vegan Green Monster Kale Pancakes in February in honor of pancake day. As much as I love the pancakes themselves, I do love a great topping to top it all off. The topping should preferably be a combination of something fresh, sweet, crispy, gooey, and nutty! So for this stack of Fluffy Vegan Green Monster Kale Pancakes I topped it off with some apple sauce, fresh apples and dry roasted macadamia nuts. All I can say is: YUM!!

Histamine Friendly Vegan Blueberry Zucchini Cake
Sometimes, you got to give some love to ugly cakes, and you guys sure gave this little ugly duckling of a cake a lot of love this year. While this cake may not be the most photogenic cake ever made, it is deliciously moist and is beyond yummy. It is quick and easy to mix together, and it is vegan so you can lick the spoon without feeling bad about it 😉 Give it up for Histamine Friendly Vegan Blueberry Zucchini Cake \o/

Vegan Salted Caramel Granola – Gluten Free
Salted Caramel Granola, doesn’t that just sound heavenly? I’m telling you this stuff is like crack…. soooo difficult to keep your hands off. I’m sensing a little vegan theme forming here…. 😉

Anti-Inflammatory Ginger Wine Gums
Ever since I started making homemade wine gums, it has been one long fun experiment in terms of flavors and colors. And after making these Anti-Inflammatory Ginger Wine Gums late last year I have been obsessed with them.

Low Histamine Cauliflower Carrot Hummus
If you have been reading this blog for a while you might know by now that I’m a huge veggie dip fan. And luckily so are you guys and you showed a lot of love for my Low Histamine Cauliflower Carrot Hummus. While calling it hummus might be a bit of false marketing though, since it is completely bean free, the texture reminded me a lot of a great hummus i used to make – and that is how this dip got it’s name. It is a simple recipe yet full on taste!

Anti-Inflammatory Coconut Soup
This Anti-Inflammatory Coconut Soup took you guys with storm in the very beginning of this year. I’m soup gal all the way, and can eat soup night and day 🙂 While I normally favor thick creamy blended vegetable soup, I will make an exception for this lovely Anti-Inflammatory Coconut Soup filled with veggie goodness.

Anti-Inflammatory Pomegranate Juice
True to last years top 9, you guys love the juices 😀 And so do I, it is one of my favorite ways to keep my histamine bucket from overflowing. This Anti-Inflammatory Pomegranate Juice features pomegranates (like the name says ;)) which both works as an antihistamine (it is a mast cell stabilizer) and an anti-inflammatory agent. So a double win and hooray for pomegranates \o/. You can of course also up the antihistamine and anti-inflammatory value of this juice by adding a bit of ginger 😉 This lovely little beauty is from the end of 2017, but I hope you’ll forgive me for including it here anyways.

Low Histamine Vegetable Stock
Sometimes I can get a little caught up in the whole create new recipes round about, and sometimes I tend to forget that simply basic things are sometimes even more important. But I got a nice little reminder of that this Spring, and thus created this basic Low Histamine Vegetable Stock for you guys. This is also a nice example that I sometimes take recipe requests very seriously ;0) So if you are missing a recipe, please let me know, and I try to accommodate the request – no guarantees though, since I don’t always manage for various reasons like time, job, kids, life in general etc.

The ginger wine gums look great but how is gelatin low histamine? My functional Dr told me to avoid it.
Hi Renee,
Gelatin can be an issue for some, and the quality and source definitely matters. I added gelatin to my diet for gut health. If however you are not comfortable doing so, just skip the recipes with gelatin 🙂